The letters Theresa should have written

10 Downing Street

5 April 2019

Dear Presidents Tusk & Juncker and Mssr. Barnier:

Life is fleeting.  So are the memories of those who experienced the scourge of Hitler.  Of these experiences modern Europe and that which presaged the European Union were founded.

Britain was bombed, but we were fortunate to escape the sort of occupation non-German Europe was forced to endure.  With that among other historical factors, our perspective on Europe has always been different.

We came to Europe in 1975 with the hope, however, of being part of the grand European experiment that would not only form a framework for lasting peace among our countries, but also to enhance the ability of all constituent members, ourselves included, to be a blessing to the world and to ourselves.

Britain has been a key player in shaping the Europe we see today.  But skepticism of Europe has been an issue within the United Kingdom since before accession.  It has reached its zenith in the past five years with the debate and 2016 referendum on 'Brexit' with the aftermath of same, the handling of which my government has handled poorly, to say the least. 

Should the EU accede to the effect of this letter, the United Kingdom shall field candidates for the 2019 EU parliamentary elections and beyond until such time as our withdrawal, should it be decided per below, from the EU becomes effective. 

This letter serves as notice the agreement proffered by my government over the past year is no longer on the table.  This letter also serves as the official asking of an extension to Article 50 through 2300 BST on Friday 5 May 2034 with the understanding this will be the last extension for which we will ask. 

This long extension will be used to prepare 'from-scratch' a proper set of withdrawal and trade agreements with the European Union as well as give us ample time to update our laws for the coming exit from the EU.  It will also allow our society and culture to adapt to the coming set of profound changes that, if enacted with Brexit, will shape our country forever.

Upon the ratification of said agreements by the relevant UK and EU authorities, the United Kingdom shall call a single legally-binding referendum on same such the question on the ballot paper will be to the effect of "How shall the United Kingdom go onward with its relationship and membership with and in the European Union?" 

A 'Leave'-vote by a majority vote of 75% of all votes cast in the United Kingdom as a whole, with 75% majorities each from Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and England shall put the agreements into effect starting on the above date in 2034.  A 'Remain'-vote will revoke Article 50 with immediate effect.  In either case, the question of 'Brexit' will, in at least legal terms, be settled.


Theresa May should she come to her senses

+ + +

5 April 2019

To the Queen, the people of the United Kingdom, Parliament, and the Conservative Party:

It is more than clear since 2016, the result of that year's referendum has not been able to be enacted by a majority of Parliament.  Therefore, I have taken new steps to bringing this logjam to a close.

Today, I tendered a letter to the European Union outlining how I wish the debate and dealings with Brexit to proceed from here.  It is attached with my hopes and prayers for all of us in the years to come.


Theresa May should she come to her senses



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